Many of our administrators and counselors are required to report various data about PathwayU to their superiors, departments, or grants. PathwayU provides a way to export a CSV (comma-separated values) spreadsheet with most of the data points we have on users.
To download data from PathwayU, you must have at least Faculty/Staff permissions. You have these permissions if you can see the main Counselor Dashboard via Counselor View. You will see a link for DOWNLOAD REPORT on the top of the dashboard.
Clicking this will bring up a dialog window allowing you to select the data you want to export. ***Note: If you do not have the Purpose or Pre Assessments turned on, you will not see these.
After selecting the data points you would like, either select All Time or click on the start range date and then end data range and click DOWNLOAD button.
*** Note: If you have a lot of accounts created during the timeframe selected, this may result in an error as there are too many records to export. In this case, you will need to select a date range that is shorter in length and run multiple exports and combine them afterward.
*** Note: if you select either Purpose Assessment or Pre-Assessments, your data range will be reduced to six months by default due to the large amounts of data. If you have a lot of accounts during the period selected, you may need to reduce this further until you can get a successful export.
Once exported, you should have a .zip file saved locally on your computer, which you can open to find at a .csv spreadsheet file that you can then open to analyze.
Some of the key columns in the resultant file that are not obvious are:
Assessments complete: this indicates Yes or No as to whether all four of the assessments are completed.
Interest - Realistic, Values - Support, etc
These are the individual trait scores for all assessments, so the Interest - Realistic score is how that user scored on the Realistic interest dimension from the interest assessment
Here are the following ranges of scores for all assessments:
Highest score: 40
Lowest score: 0
Highest score: 30
Lowest score: 6
Highest score: 5
Lowest score: 0
Workplace Preferences:
Highest score: 5
Lowest score: 1
Subject Match - Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources, etc
These indicate the user's aggregate score to that Career Cluster/Subject Area
This is on a 100-point scale, 100 being the max and 20 being the lowest. A higher score indicates that the user has a higher fit score to more occupations in that specific career cluster (i.e., more Very Strong, Strong occupation matches).
Top Subject 1, 2, 3: These summarize the top three subject matches for that student
Pre and Purpose Assessment data:
If the Pre-Assessment (also called Demographics Survey) and/or Purpose Assessment are one you will see many columns tied to the specific questions asked in those assessments (see here for more information about each of them:
Summary Link to Results
This link will take you directly to that user's results if you copy into your browser.
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